
Showing posts from 2024

My Mother's Lies - The Reason for the Delay

You may have noticed the release date of My Mother’s Lies was a little behind this time, and for that I apologise. There is good reason. Some of you may have seen through my Facebook page where I post mostly fun and often candid photos of my furred and feathered friends. Very rarely do I ever say anything negative, but once in a while even I post about tough realities that hit our household. One of the hardest things to cope with is the death of a loved one. Never more so than when it is fast and unexpected.   Such was the case with Beau, my adorable black Labrador who was taken all too young and far too fast. It was a tragedy beginning with Beau falling ill within hours of him having his annual booster. At the same time, Skye, my Dalmatian also fell ill after her booster and spent two weeks on and off a drip at the vets while we were on holiday. We were totally convinced that Skye at the age of thirteen with all her allergies and being epileptic, would succumb and had mentally...