Guest Spot - Haley Whitehall - New Release Wild and Tender Care

Welcome to Haley, fellow author and friend whose new historical romance, Wild and Tender Care is released this week. 

The Gentle Alpha

The alpha male is a standard in many romance novels and perhaps even more so in historical romance. One reason for this is that throughout history women have held a subjugated place in society and second because of the popularity of the historical bodice rippers in the 80’s.

I’m not a big fan of alpha males myself. Too many alphas come across as controlling and even abusive. I am a proud feminist and do not believe women should be submissive to men. When reading books with a too-tough alpha male I often wonder why on earth did she fall in love with him?  The leading men in my romances tend to be a beta or are able to tame their alpha side when the time comes if it will help their situation. Compromise is an art and a good one in any stable relationship.

William Steere in Wild and Tender Care is the most alpha male I’ve written to date. Ida Page is more of an alpha female, too. So they butt heads a lot. I like it when an alpha male gets a fiery woman, someone not afraid to stand up to him. Men like that need a challenge, a woman to match them step for step. In my opinion, a shy, mousey woman just won’t be a suitable match for an alpha male. Both the hero and heroine need to learn something and grow as they fall in love. I find it very believable when alphas learn to be humble or patient. Male or female, love can gentle an alpha.

I like my alpha tough but with a gentle side.

How do you like your alpha characters?

Here is a fun excerpt from my new release Wild and Tender Care:

He sucked in his lips. She hadn’t said she didn’t have feelings for him. That was a good sign. By the way she looked at him he could tell she was interested. He just had to persuade her somehow that they could be together in Big Rock.

“I see, Miss Page. Well, I will be by tomorrow to check on you.”

“Check on me? Now listen here, Dr. Steere, I didn’t get shot. I didn’t even break a bone. There is no reason for you to check on my sprained ankle.”

Fire burned in her eyes. He didn’t respond, merely headed for the door.

She liked him, wanted him. Usually it was the boy who showed he loved the girl by antagonizing her. Miss Page was flustered because she loved him. He’d bet all his money on it. Of course, he longed for her to say those words. Hopefully in time she could.

Stuck in the chair with her foot emerged in the bucket of water Miss Page couldn’t run after and chastise him. However, her glare scorched his back. “Did you hear me, Dr. Steere?”

He turned around and grinned. “Yes, I heard you, Miss Page. I’m just doing my job. All my life I’ve had to work extra hard for the things I’ve wanted.” And I want you.

His piercing lust elicited a tiny shiver from Miss Page. His gaze having the effect he wanted gave him silent encouragement. Oh yes, she wanted him. “It was hard getting into medical school as a half-breed. I wouldn’t take no for an answer.”


Ida Page has seen the worst the west has to offer. Snubbed by the citizens of Big Rock, Colorado, ever since the town cleaned up its act and became civilized, she has tried to change with the times. No other line of work available, she became a laundress after the mayor shut down the whorehouse, but the good people will not allow her to forget her past as a shady lady. She has given up on ever being accepted, let alone falling in love, until a handsome half-breed stranger arrives in town.

After the War Between the States, William Steere has been looking for a town to build a medical practice. He answered a newspaper ad placed by the mayor of Big Rock and hopes their desperate need for a doctor will overrule their race prejudice against his half-breed status. At the Independence Day picnic, he is introduced to all the town citizens except for one woman sitting off by herself. This redhead draws him to her with merely a gaze.

Can the two outcasts find love and acceptance in each other's arms or will the town’s cruelty and a smallpox epidemic tear them apart?

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Author Bio:

Haley Whitehall lives in Washington State where she enjoys all four seasons and the surrounding wildlife. She writes historical fiction and historical romance set in the 19th century U.S. When she is not researching or writing, she plays with her cats, watches the Western and History Channels, and goes antiquing. She is hoping to build a time machine so she can go in search of her prince charming. A good book, a cup of coffee, and a view of the mountains make her happy. Visit Haley’s website at

Where to find Haley Whitehall:


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